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Heart Of It Studio's

10 years ago, the game of marketing was simply about being seen. Shout the loudest. The more content you put out, the more leads you get.

This created a huge entrepreneurial opportunity: Start an online business. Put out content. Get paid.

Then this market got saturated with online providers. Now there are so many people doing that and the evolution of AI and content development, everyone has got videos ith captions and special effects.

So now it’s harder to see the difference between all these providers.

The difference is not the effects you use, the trending audios and the captions. This is standard. 

The difference is in what you say.

And this is where so many people fall down.

When you get people on a sales call, you can get buy-in. You can articulate the value of what you offer and they often buy.

But you struggle to translate this into your marketing message.

You struggle to create that deep trust and connection with your audience.

You struggle to speak your truth in your own unique way, without sounding like everyone else.

When you record a video or write a post, it feels bland. LIke a half-truth.

Why it’s so hard to articulate your message

You sort of know who you want to help, but deep to your core, you don’t know who you are. You don’t know what you really stand for.

So what you do is share genetic opinions. Information. It might be clear, but it’s formulaic and without heart. 

When you rumble with the deep questions of who you are and what you stand for, your audience relates to this authenticity. They see you aren’t the same as everyone else, with carbon copy messages that feel so surface level. 

The content people listen to and like is the content they believe. 

So here’s the opportunity

In a world full of average online providers, you have an opportunity to create a message with meaning.

How successful could you be if you could just be you?

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